martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Environmental pollution is called to the presence in the environment of any agent (physical, chemical or biological) or a combination of several drugs in places, forms and concentrations as they are or may be harmful to health, safety or welfare of the population, or that may be harmful to plant or animal life or prevent the normal use of the property and places of recreation and enjoyment of them. 
 Environmental pollution is also incorporated into the receiving bodies of solid, liquid or gaseous, or mixtures thereof, provided that adversely alter the natural conditions of the same, or that may affect health, hygiene or welfare.
As you increase the power of man over nature and new needs as a result of living in society, the environment that surrounds it deteriorates more and more. The social behavior of man, which led him to communicate through language, which later formed the human culture, allowed him to differentiate themselves from other living beings. But while they adapt to the environment to survive, man adapts and modifies the same means as needed.Technological progress, on the one hand and rapid population growth, on the other, produce environmental change, in some cases to violate the biological balance of the Earth. Not that there is an absolute incompatibility between technological development, the advancement of civilization and the maintenance of ecological balance, but it is important that men know harmonization. 
 It is therefore necessary to protect the renewable and nonrenewable resources and to realize that environmental sanitation is essential for life on the planetPollution is one of the major environmental problems affecting our world and arises when an imbalance occurs as a result of the addition of any substance to the environment in quantities that cause adverse effects in humans, animals , plant or materials exposed to doses that exceed acceptable levels in nature.
 Contamination may arise from certain forms of nature (natural sources) or because of the different production processes of man (anthropogenic sources) that make up the activities of daily living.The sources that generate more pollution of anthropogenic origin are: industrial goods (refrigerators, slaughterhouses and tanneries, mining and oil), commercial (envelopes and packages), agriculture (agricultural chemicals), household (packaging, nappies, garden waste) and sources mobile (car exhaust). Emission source means the physical or geographical origin where there is a contaminant release to the environment, whether air, water or soil. Traditionally, the environment has been divided for their study and their interpretation, these three components: air, water and soil, but this division is purely theoretical, since most of the pollutants interact with more than one elements of the environment.


Water pollution: Water is the incorporation of foreign matter such as microorganisms, chemicals, industrial waste, and other water or sewage. These materials degrade water quality and make it useless for the intended uses.
 Contamination of soil: the soil incorporation of foreign matter such as garbage, hazardous waste, chemicals, and industrial wastes. Soil contamination results in an imbalance physical, chemical and biological adversely affecting plants, animals and humans.
Air pollution: is the addition harmful to the atmosphere of toxic gases, CO, or other factors affecting the normal development of plants, animals and adversely affecting human health.


Environmental health experts and cardiologists at the University of Southern California (USA) have just demonstrated for the first time what until now was just a suspicion of atmospheric pollution in large cities affect cardiovascular health. Research has found a direct relationship between increased air pollutant particles and the city wall thickening of the arteries (the "intimate media"), which is a proven indicator of atherosclerosis. The persistent effect of polluting the atmosphere, in a silent process of years, leading eventually to the development of acute cardiovascular conditions such as heart attacks.
 To inspire environmental particles with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers, enter the smaller airways and then irritate the artery walls. The researchers found that for every increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter of these particles, disruption of intimal medial wall of the arteries increased by 5.9%. Smoke snuff and that usually comes from the exhaust of cars produce the same amount of these particles.  
Stringent clean air standards contribute to better health with large-scale effects.  
Another effect is the weakening of the ozone layer that protects living things from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation due to stratospheric ozone depletion by Cl and Br from pollution, or global warming caused by increased of atmospheric CO2 concentration that accompanies the massive burning of fossil fuels. Unfortunately employers and their governments are not considered part of nature or the environment around him, or take any awareness of the damage they do to the planet, and indirectly to itself, at the same rate that occurs, except to withdraw their pollutants in their regions.
Increasingly deteriorating planet It endangers the lives of plants, animals and people Generates physical damage to individuals Becomes a non consumable water In the contaminated soil is not possible to plant


• Do not burn or cut plants
• monitor the use of fertilizers and pesticides 
• Do not throw garbage in inappropriate places 
• regulating the urban cleaning service
• public awareness 
• create drainage pathways for industries that do not reach the sea or rivers used for the service or consumption of humans and animals 
• control accidental oil spills 
• control tailings