martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Water pollution: Water is the incorporation of foreign matter such as microorganisms, chemicals, industrial waste, and other water or sewage. These materials degrade water quality and make it useless for the intended uses.
 Contamination of soil: the soil incorporation of foreign matter such as garbage, hazardous waste, chemicals, and industrial wastes. Soil contamination results in an imbalance physical, chemical and biological adversely affecting plants, animals and humans.
Air pollution: is the addition harmful to the atmosphere of toxic gases, CO, or other factors affecting the normal development of plants, animals and adversely affecting human health.

1 comentario:

  1. The main sources of pollution are definitely industries and vehicles. For example China is the world's largest puller country. China is well known for her strong and growing economy but is paying a huge price. Here in El Salvador we are facing air problems because of transportation, their is around 650,000 vehicles and 12,000 public transportation in the country. The use of old buses with poorly mechanical maintenance produce a huge amount of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) around 2 million tons every year . Water is another environmental problem that we are facing because we do not take care about it. Water is so precious for us to survive and we still doing so little to protect the water resources. We are destroying little by little our inheritance that the Mother Nature left us.
